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Weird Paul Rock Band 99¢ Variety Show: May 2012

The Weird Paul Rock Band Variety show was pretty awesome in May (it's pretty bad that I'm writing about this in October, but oh well).  This was the second one I had ever been to and was probably double the fun of the first.

I missed some stuff at the beginning, but the first thing I saw was the first and only performance by the band Splashy, featuring Racheal and Brian from Skinless Boneless and Sasha from Actorcop.  It was pretty cool.  They played two songs, "Splashy One" and "Splashy Two" which both had a sort of prog-rock feel, but didn't have incredible lengths or eighteen different parts.

Next Greg Cislon played in yet another band with Jordan Weeks along with another guy I didn't know named Jim Steiner.  This band sounded pretty cool: kind of 90's alt-rock-ish/Elvis Costello with simple instrumentation played in an interesting manner.  They played a song for a TV series they wrote or something, but I'm not sure if that is real or not.  All of Greg's songs seemed like they dealt with personal relationships.

Ruthie and Gladis told us about their crazy adventures involving noise bands and tupperware.  Ruthie also gave details about her recent dates involving a guy that seems to be a Twilight-esque vampire.  Ruthie was played by Scott Fry and Gladis was Zo Weslowski of course.  It was really funny.

Finally the Weird Paul Rock Band played some really killer stuff.  They played really fast and hard with lots of punk covers like "Sonic Reducer", "Beat on the Brat", and "Mongoloid".  Sasha and Jerry both helped sing at during songs that they requested and everybody looked like they had a great time there.